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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dog calls 911, saves diabetic owner's life

Ocoee, Florida - You would think the circus is in town after hearing this story.

Recently in suburban Ocoee, Belle the Wonder Dog called 911 and saved her owner's neck.

This smart beagle belongs to a very grateful Kevin Weaver.

The 34-year old Weaver says he doesn't go anywhere without Belle, and one morning this week, he needed her dearly.

Weaver, a diabetic, is thankful Belle remembered her recent service training and swung into action when he made that life saving call.

Not only can Belle smell her owner's blood sugar levels, the other part of her training is to find Kevin's cell phone, bite and hold down the number 9.

You can even see the bite marks she made.

Beagles like Belle are targeted for this sort of service training to detect seizures in its owner, mainly for their noses.

They can smell between 600 and 1,000 times more than we as individuals can smell.

It cost a bundle, a little over $8,000, for the great training to get a canine ready and in Kevin Weaver's case he can never put a price on life.

Belle goes back for a service refresher course in May.


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