Tu-ki and Ziza - Two Cute Conure Parrots
Tu-ki, a Green Cheek Conure (left), has no lower mandible. After almost 6 years, a small sliver of beak has grown back on the right side to about 1/4 " long, enabling her to eat foods she once could not. (you can see it fairly well on the enclosed photo)
One of the things she is enjoying most is the TOPS pellets. They are just the right consistency for her to gnaw on. To be able to utilize this natural instinct is totally new to her and has resulted in a delighted birdie. She actually seems 'proud' of herself when she holds a pellet and nibbles away.
Tuk calls anything in the food family "a cookie" and will ask us for "a cookie" when she wants some of what we are eating, a goodie, or her dinner.
Last night, my husband was the first to come home so he took the birds into the kitchen for their evening meal with us.
Tu-ki was hungry (as usual) and kept saying "David, Tu-ki want cookie" over and over. He was getting their water ready to put onto the feeding stands and when he put Tuks there she looked into the water cup and said "NO COOKIE ! NO COOKIE! WHERE TU-KI COOKIE??
David told her "it's coming, be patient" Without missing a beat Tu-ki replied "OK, VERY WELL THEN" Needless to say, he was totally floored and could not stop laughing. She is constantly surprising us with her comprehension and vocabulary.

Tu-ki is amazing. She has overcome her sad, neglected start in life and has graced us with her love, humor and devotion. Happiness is sharing our lives with our two girls. There is truly nothing quite like kissing sweet beaks and warm belly feathers.
The beautiful bird to the right of Tu-ki in the photo is her little sister Ziza, a Half Moon Conure. Ziza's story involves my husband's father. David was born in Istanbul and his parents were living there until they passed away about 2 years ago.
The morning his father died we were sending an Email to some relatives in Italy to inform them about dad's passing. When I was about to send the email I got mail. It was from Elke, at Rockport Roost Aviary, in Texas. She was sending me a photo or "our newly hatched baby." We had been wanting another bird and I had contacted her to let me know when she had some Half Moon conures.
David made the comment that his father, who loved birds and nature, would have loved to have seen this baby bird. Since this new bird was hatched the day dad passed we decided that in his honor we would name it after him... but with a little twist...Aziz spelled backwards is Ziza.
One of the things she is enjoying most is the TOPS pellets. They are just the right consistency for her to gnaw on. To be able to utilize this natural instinct is totally new to her and has resulted in a delighted birdie. She actually seems 'proud' of herself when she holds a pellet and nibbles away.
Tuk calls anything in the food family "a cookie" and will ask us for "a cookie" when she wants some of what we are eating, a goodie, or her dinner.
Last night, my husband was the first to come home so he took the birds into the kitchen for their evening meal with us.
Tu-ki was hungry (as usual) and kept saying "David, Tu-ki want cookie" over and over. He was getting their water ready to put onto the feeding stands and when he put Tuks there she looked into the water cup and said "NO COOKIE ! NO COOKIE! WHERE TU-KI COOKIE??
David told her "it's coming, be patient" Without missing a beat Tu-ki replied "OK, VERY WELL THEN" Needless to say, he was totally floored and could not stop laughing. She is constantly surprising us with her comprehension and vocabulary.

Tu-ki is amazing. She has overcome her sad, neglected start in life and has graced us with her love, humor and devotion. Happiness is sharing our lives with our two girls. There is truly nothing quite like kissing sweet beaks and warm belly feathers.
The beautiful bird to the right of Tu-ki in the photo is her little sister Ziza, a Half Moon Conure. Ziza's story involves my husband's father. David was born in Istanbul and his parents were living there until they passed away about 2 years ago.
The morning his father died we were sending an Email to some relatives in Italy to inform them about dad's passing. When I was about to send the email I got mail. It was from Elke, at Rockport Roost Aviary, in Texas. She was sending me a photo or "our newly hatched baby." We had been wanting another bird and I had contacted her to let me know when she had some Half Moon conures.
David made the comment that his father, who loved birds and nature, would have loved to have seen this baby bird. Since this new bird was hatched the day dad passed we decided that in his honor we would name it after him... but with a little twist...Aziz spelled backwards is Ziza.
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